setUp {

var hand = a thing attached to your arm at the end generally

var refridgerator = a refridgerator is usually in the kitchen and has two doors

var orange juice = orange juice comes in a plastic or cardboard container and is usually stored in the bottom door of the refridgerator

var glass = a glass is a container for holding liquid that is generally cylindrical with an opening at the top

var cap = a cap is something that is the opening to a container and allows for liquid to pour out.

var door = a door is something that is the opening to a container of varying sizes. It allows you to access the contents.

var check with mom = library(run)

var counter = a flat surface for placing things on


library = check with mom {

1. Activate mom = mom knows everything


loop {

Pouring a glass of orange juice:

1. Check if you have a refridgerator

if yes --> proceed, if no --> check with mom

2. Check if you have orange juice

if yes --> proceed, if no --> check with mom

3. Grab orange juice with your hand.

if achievable --> proceed, if no --> check with mom

4. Check if you have a glass

if yes --> proceed, if no --> check with mom

5. Grab glass with other hand

if you have two hands --> proceed , if no --> check with mom

6. Place glass and orange juice on counter with the caps on the z axis facing up

if you have a counter --> proceed, if not --> check with mom

7. Remove the cap of the orange juice and place on counter

if removeable --> proceed, if not --> check with mom

8. Grab the orange juice container with your hand

if you have a hand and can find the orange juice container --> proceed, if not --> check with mom

9. Bring the orange juice container next to the glass.

if you succeed --> proceed, if you cannot find the glass --> check with mom

10. Tilt the orange juice container to a 45 degree angle so that the liquid pours into the glass.

if you pour liquid into the glass --> stop after 5sec, if you miss --> stop and check with mom

11. Once the glass is 75% tilt the orange juice container back to 90 degrees and place it on the counter.

if you put it on the counter --> proceed, if you miss the counter --> get a mop and check with mom.

12. Screw the cap back onto the orange juice and replace it in the fridge.

if you succeed --> proceed, if you cannot find the refridgerator --> check with mom

13. Bring the glass of orange juice to mom!

if you suceed --> success!!!
